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I’m excited to announce that my new book, Vector: A surprising story of space, time, and mathematical transformation, will be published at the end of May 2024 by University of Chicago Press (, and the Australian edition will be published by NewSouth on July 1 (

I’m also thrilled that two translations are already underway!

‘In Vector, Arianrhod shows, with beautiful ease, that maths is not some foreign world only geeks inhabit. It is the world around us.’ ― Adam Spencer, author of Adam Spencer’s Big Book of Numbers

Thoughts on mathematics education: Should it be compulsory? STEAM rather than STEM? Beauty vs Utility? You can see some of my thoughts on such questions here and here

THE ART OF LOGICAL THINKING is the title of my recent Cosmos feature: “There’s a line of logic stretching from Aristotle to artificial intelligence, writes Robyn Arianrhod, and standing near its crest is the witty and brilliant Briton Bertrand Russell.” In the article I outline the link between thought, logic,  mathematics, and computing. In the process, I show how Russell – the inimitable philosopher,  mathematician, and Nobel-Prize-winning writer – logically proved that he was the pope! (Spoiler alert: a sentence can be logically true even if its premises are false!) The article also celebrates Russell’s 150th  birthday, and you can access it online if you are a Cosmos subscriber.

Untapped signifies the Australian Literary Heritage Project, which digitises culturally significant out-of-print Australian books. I was dismayed when UQP let my Einstein’s Heroes go out of print in Australia, so I’m delighted that Untapped has rescued it digitally, and Brio Books has published a new print edition, available here.